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Literatur review tingkat kecemasan keluarga pasien yang di rawat di ruang ICU

Pengarang : Anisa, Aisyah Dzil Kamalah

Kata Kunci   :Kecemasan keluarga pasien, ICU

The Level of Anxiety in the Family of Patients Treatment in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Ward Anisa 1, Aisyah Dzil Kamalah 2 Undergraduate Program in Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan July 15, 2020 ABSTRAK Background: While in the ICU, patient will be monitored 24 hours a day by competent doctors, nurses, and special staff from the hospital. The patient will be connected to the medical equipment via a tube or cable. Medical equipment operates non-stop while the patient is in the ICU, besides medical equipment also makes a loud sound if the patient’s condition changes. This causes the patient’s family to the experience anxiety about the condiittion of his family members being treated in the ICU. Purpose: This research aimed to conduct a literature review on the level of family anxiety of patients who are treated in the ICU. Sample: 5 journals from 2012-2014. Methods : This study was a literature review study. The method used in article selection was searching the literature from google scholar sources using the keyword patient family anxiety, ICU in the 2010-2020 periods. The search results showed 5 articles/ journals that match the research inclusion crteria and can be analyzed further. Analysis of 5 article / journal was caried out using the PICOTS mnemonic. Aspects that were critized include:author, year, country, research objectives, research methods, research respondents, measurement tools and research results. Results: the results of the literature review showed that the majority of respondents felt moderate anxiety. Conclusion: this literature review is expected to be a reference for the nursing profession in order to further improve nursing care that can provide a sense of comfort and quality so that the patient’s family anxiety in the ICU can be reduced. Keywords : family anxiety, intensive care unit (ICU). Bibliography :21 (2010-2020).



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