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Gambaran Tingkat Stres Caregiver yang Merawat Lansia : Literature Review

Pengarang : Usmut Muttakhidlah, Dyah Putri Ariyati, S.kep. Ns.

Kata Kunci   :Elderly caregiver, informal caregiver, stress level

Departement of Nursing, Faculty of Health Science University of Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan Juli, 2021 ABSTRACT Usmut Muttakhidlah¹, Dyah Putri Aryati² The Overview of Caregiver Stress Level in Caring for the Elderly : Literature Review Background : The elderly population increased rapidly. The elderly is someone who is over 60 years old and undergoes several changes both physically, physiologically, cognitivelly, and mentally. The elderly have difficult in carrying out daily activities so that they need the presence of support. Family members can be the informal caregiver for them. Elderly care is carried out with care, patience, and love. The task can cause stress to the caregiver. It can be caused by some factors, such ass work, changes in behavior (the childish behavior of the elderly). Stress on caregivers is caused by the increasing levels of stress hormones that occur for a long time. The burdens felt by the elderly caregiver are in the form of internal burden and external burden. Objective : This study aimed to describe the stress level of caregivers in caring for the elderly. Method : Using a literature review design with the PEO (Population, Exposure, Outcome) method and using five articles from Pubmed ang Google Scholar published in 2016-2021. Result : The result showed that most of the respondent were female (72.83%). The age range was mostly 36-45 years (34.24%). The education of most respondents was SAM/SMK (46.88%). Most of the respondents are worker (74.37%). The highest total stress level of the caregivers was in category of mild stress 117 respondents (46.06%). Conclusion : Caregivers who take care of the elderly can experience stress.stress is a condition or state of the body that is disturbed due to psychological pressure. In this study, caregivers who care for the elderly are in the category of mild stress level, so the support of the caregiver’s family is needed. The nurse is expected to give a contribution to provide health service and support for elderly caregivers. Keywords : Elderly caregiver, informal caregiver, stress level



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