Evaluasi Penggunaan Antidiabetik pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus yang Menjalani Hemodialisa di Instalasi Rawat Jalan RSUD Kraton Kabupaten Pekalongan Tahun 2018
Pengarang : Setianingsih, Ainun Muthoharoh, M.farm.,apt, Isyti'ar
Kata Kunci   :Antidiabetic, diabetes mellitus, hemodialysis, accuracy of drug selection
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia,
occurring due to abnormal insulin secretion, insulin action or both. DM can cause
microvascular complications, one of which is kidney disease that can develop into
end-stage renal failure that requires hemodialysis. It is necessary to evaluate the
therapy related to the accuracy in treatment. This study aims to evaluate the use
of antidiabetics in DM patients undergoing hemodialysis in the hemodialysis
treatment room at Kraton District Hospital in Pekalongan Regency in 2018. This
type of quantitative research by describing the variables studied. The sampling
technique is total sampling. The study population was 128 patients. Inclusion
criteria were 30 patients while exclusion criteria were 98 patients. After obtaining
a sample of 30 patients then an evaluation is carried out, then the data are
analyzed univariately. The most widely used treatment therapy is oral antidiabetic
Glyconeone. Evaluation of the use of antidiabetic drugs in DM patients
undergoing hemodialysis should be done in connection with the presence of
kidney damage resulting in decreased renal clearance. Evaluation of antidiabetic
drugs based on the right patient by 60%, the right drug 66.7%, the right indication
100%, the right dose of 63.3%. The type of drug used is oral antidiabetic that is
86.7%, parenteral 10% and the combination is 3.3%. Potential interactions
between antidiabetic drugs and other drugs were 7 cases (23.3%) with the number
of types of pharmacodynamic interactions being 3 cases while the others were
unknown interactions. Suggestions for pharmacists is to coordinate with doctors
regarding the selection of appropriate antidiabetic drugs for DM patients
undergoing hemodialysis. Then the suggestion for further researchers is that
further research needs to be done on evaluating the use of antidiabetics in DM
patients undergoing hemodialysis by conducting research in several hospitals.
Properti | Nilai Properti |
Organisasi | Universitas Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan |
[email protected] | |
Alamat | Jl. Raya Pekajangan No. 1A Kedungwuni Pekalongan |
Telepon | (0285) 7832294 |
Tahun | 2019 |
Kota | Pekalongan |
Provinsi | Jawa Tengah |
Negara | Indonesia |