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Gambaran perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat pada Kejadian penyakit kulit di wilayah rob puskesmas tirto II kabupaten pekalongan

Pengarang : Gita Tri Ayuni, Sugiharto

Kata Kunci   :Dermatitis, hygienic and healthy life behavior, tidal flood

Tidal floods can have an impact on society, one of which is non-physical where social and economic activities are disrupted. Hygienic and Healthy Life Behavior is an activity carried out on awareness of health that is applied in daily life. Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that can occurs in all ages. This study aimed to describethe hygienic and healthy life behavior among people with skin disease in Tirto II Community Health Centers. Descriptive design was applied in this study. There are 63 people with skin disease were participated in this study that recruited using total sampling. Questionnaire were used to assess the hygienic and healthy life behavior. The validity results of 20 respondents are 0,478-0,887 and cronbach alpha results are 0,947. The results showed that 55 of respondents (87%) have good hygienic and healthy life behavior and 8 of respondents (13%) have enough hygienic and healthy life behavior.The Suggestion is health activities that have been well maintained and can be improved, especially in the promotion of hygienic and healthy life behavior. Key words : dermatitis, hygienic and healthy life behavior, tidal flood Blbliographies : 30 (2008-2018)



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Organisasi Universitas Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan
Email [email protected]
Alamat Jl. Raya Pekajangan No. 1A Kedungwuni Pekalongan
Telepon (0285) 7832294
Tahun 2019
Kota Pekalongan
Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Negara Indonesia