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Analisis perbedaan saturasi oksigen dan respirasi rate pasien asma yang diberikan oksigen pada posisi semi fowler dan orthopneic di IGD RSI PKU Muhammadiyah pekajangan

Pengarang : Moh.syafiqul Hakam, Sigit Prasojo

Kata Kunci   :Saturasi oksigen, Respirasi rate,Asma,Semi Fowler, Orthopneic

Undergraduate Program in Nursing
Faculty of Health and Sciences
University of Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan
August, 2024
Moh.Syafiqul Hakam1
, Sigit Prasojo2
Analysis of Differences in Oxygen Saturation and Respiration Rate of Asthmatic
Patients Given Oxygen in Semi-Fowler and Orthopneic Positions at the
Emergency Room of RSI PKU Muhammadiyah Pekajangan
Background: Management that can be carried out in asthma patients to improve and
maintain quality of life without obstacles in carrying out daily activities by providing
non-pharmacological treatment. This study aims to examine the "Analysis of
Differences in Oxygen Saturation and Respiration Rate of Asthmatic Patients Given
Oxygen in Semi Fowler and Orthopneic Positions in the Emergency Room of RSI PKU
Muhammadiyah Pekajangan.
Methods: quasi-experimental research design one group pre and post-test. The sample
consisted of 20 patients, 10 semi-fowler groups and ten orthopneic groups with
purposive sampling techniques. Instruments used by patient monitors. The data
analysis used is a univariate analysis that produces central tendency values in the form
of mean, median, standard deviation (SD) and bivariate analysis; shapiro-wilk was
selected in the normality test, and the results of the normality test have a sig value of >
0.05, then the bivariate analysis uses an independent t-test.
Results: The results of the study showed, based on the results of the T-test, Dependent
oxygen saturation in the semi-fowler and orthopneic positions with a significant value
of 0.000 (< α 0.05). The respiration rate in the semi-fowler and orthopneic positions
was a significant value of 0.000 (< 0.05).
Conclusion: There are differences in saturation and respiration rates of asthma patients
in the semi-fowler and orthopneic positions.
Suggestion: Health workers can provide orthopneic positions to asthma patients
because it is more effective.
Keywords: Oxygen saturation, Respiration rate, Asthma, Semi-Fowler, Orthopneic
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