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Literature Review: Gambaran Karakteristik Pasien TB Paru

Pengarang : Ilva Noviyanti, Irnawati

Kata Kunci   :Descriptive, Characteristics, Tuberculosis

Undergraduate Program in Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan July, 2021 ABSTRACT Ilva Noviyanti1 , Irnawati,M.M.R2 The Background: Indonesia is ranked as the second-highest TB-infected country in the world. Analysis of the characteristics of TB patients is useful for increasing case finding and early treatment. The Objectives: To determine the characteristics of pulmonary TB patients. The Methods: Using a literature review design. There were five articles used in this study. These articles were published in 2016-2021 and form Google Scholar and ProQuest. The instrument used for a critical appraisal was Strobe. The Results: There were some characteristics of the respondents. Most of them were male (60,2% or 147 respondents), aged 15-55 years (79,1% or 193 respondents), elementary school graduates (36,5% or 89 respondents), and still working (63,9% or 156 respondents). The Conclusions: The characteristics of pulmonary TB patients are mostly male, productive age, primary school education, and still working. Keywords: Descriptive, Characteristics, Tuberculosis



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Organisasi Universitas Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan
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