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Pengaruh Flexibility Exercise Terhadap Tingkat Keletihan Pasien Hemodialisa di RSUD Kraton Pekalongan

Pengarang : Aniqa Nadhima, Rita Dwi Hartanti

Kata Kunci   :flexibility exercise, gagal ginjal kronik, keletihan

ABSTRACT Aniqa Nahima, Rita Dwi Hartanti The Effect of Flexibility Exercise on the Fatigue Level of Hemodialysis Patients at Kraton Hospital of Pekalongan Regency xiii + 56 Page + 7 tables + 1 scheme + 11 appendices Chronic kidney disease patients undergoing hemodialysis experience many complications, due to the multisystem effect of kidney failure and the treatment. One of the complications experienced is fatigue. Efforts to overcome these complications are activity management (physical exercise), muscle relaxation and massage. Exercises used to improving physical function in hemodialysis patients, one of them is flexibility exercise. This study aims to determine the effect of exercise flexibility on the fatigue level of hemodialysis patients. The measuring instrument used to measure the level of fatigue is FACIT (Functional Assessment Chronic Illness Therapy) Fatigue Scale. The research design used quasi experiment with pretest-posttest design with control group and sampling method with purposive sampling. The sample in this study were 15 intervention groups and 15 control groups. The statistic test uses the Mann Whitney test. The results showed a decrease in fatigue levels in the intervention group after exercise flexibility, so that there was an effect of exercise flexibility on the fatigue level of hemodialysis patients (the value of p value = 0.020). The results of this study can be an alternative intervention for the nursing profession based on EBPN (Evidence Based Practice in Nursing) to overcome fatigue in Hemodialysis patients. Keywords : flexibility exercise, chronic kidney failure, fatigue Bibliography : 16 books (2009-2017), 14 jurnal , 1 article



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Organisasi Universitas Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan
Email [email protected]
Alamat Jl. Raya Pekajangan No. 1A Kedungwuni Pekalongan
Telepon (0285) 7832294
Tahun 2019
Kota Pekalongan
Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Negara Indonesia