Gambaran Status Kesehatan Pada Warga Jeruksari diWilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tirto II Kabupaten Pekalongan
Pengarang : Masdiana Safitri , Sugiharto
Kata Kunci   :Disease Classification, Health Status, Tidal Flood
A Descriptive Study of Health Status among Residents of Jeruksari Village in Comunity
Health Center Tirto II Pekalongan Regency
Background : Health status is a condition when people are in ahealthy or unhealthy.
Environmental and behavioral factors are the most influential factors on the health status of
the community. The environment in a flooded area can cause damage to the sanitation and clean water system because of the tidal flood that makes the potential for outbreaks of a
disease. The study aimed to describe the health status and classifyed the diseases in Jeruksari
village in Community. Health Center Tirto II in Pekalongan Regency. The research design
used descriptive with cross sectional approach. The research sample was 90 guardiants of
Jeruksari Village with 292 respondents. The sampling technique used multistage with two
techniques : clusters and rule of thumbs. The instrument for collecting data was the
questionnaire of Riskesda 2013.The results showed 127 respondents (43.5%) were included
in the category of illness. Based on reports from respondents, there were seven (7) types of
diseases in the Jeruksari village. Three (3) types of diseases that most experienced by
residents who affected by tidal flood were 52 ISPA (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection)
respondents (17.8%), 52 dermatitis respondents (17.8%) and 26 diarrhea respondents (8.9%).
With the discoveryof the type of disease, the data can be used by Tirto II Health Center to
improve health services and counseling, especially related to higienic and healthy behavior
and prevention efforts.
Keywords : Disease Classification, Health Status, Tidal Flood
Properti | Nilai Properti |
Organisasi | Universitas Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan |
[email protected] | |
Alamat | Jl. Raya Pekajangan No. 1A Kedungwuni Pekalongan |
Telepon | (0285) 7832294 |
Tahun | 2019 |
Kota | Pekalongan |
Provinsi | Jawa Tengah |
Negara | Indonesia |