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Pengarang : Yeni Setyaningratri, Nurul Aktifah, Herni Reje

Kata Kunci   :Kata Kunci: Fugl Meyer Assesment; Motor Assesment Scale; Motor Relearning Programme (MRP); Stroke

ABSTRAK Yeni Setyaningratri1 , Nurul Aktifah2 , Herni Rejeki3 “Literature Review: Gambaran Pengaruh Motor Relearning Programme (MRP) terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Motorik Ekstremitas Atas Pasien Pasca Stroke” Latar Belakang:Stroke merupakan masalah kesehatan yang menjadi penyebab utama kecacatan dan kematian. Permasalah yang dapat ditimbulkan pada kondisi stroke sangat kompleks, antara lain kelemahan ekstremitas baik pada lengan atau tungkai.Terapi rehabilitas ekstremitas atas terdiri dari berbagai macam diantaranya Propioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF), Bobath, Brunnstrom dan Motor relearning programme (MRP). MRP memberikan proses pembelajaran aktivitas fungsional serta mampu mereorganisasi kemampuan otak,sehingga dapat mengeliminasi gerakan yang salah dan meningkatkan kemampuan pengaturan postural dan gerakan.Tujuan:Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh MRP terhadap peningkatan kemampuan motorik ekstremitas atas pasien pasca stroke Metode: Pemilihan artikel pada penelitian ini menggunakan mnemonic PICO. Penulisan artikel ini menggunakan penelusuran literature melalui International Journal of Physiotherapy, International Journal of Scientific Research and Education, Proquest, PubMed, Science Direct. Kriteria inklusi sesuai dengan kata kunci, dipublikasi dari rentang waktu 2010-2020, ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia ataupun Bahasa Inggris, artikel lengkap. Kriteria eksklusi artikel review/ systematic review.Hasil:Hasil literature review 5 artikel menunjukkan bahwa motor relearning programme terbukti meningkatkan kemampuan motorik pasien stroke dengan hasil rata-rata peningkatan dengan menggunakan alat ukur Motor Assesment Scale sebelum intervensi 7,43 dan sesudah intervensi 13,05 dan hasil rata-rata peningkatan menggunakan alat ukur Fugl Meyer Assesment sebelum intervensi 27,05 dan sesudah intervensi 44,1.Kesimpulan: Motor Relearning Programme (MRP) terbukti meningkatkan kemampuan motorik pasien stroke.Saran:Dapat digunakan sebagai dasar tindakan dalam melakukan penanganan pada pasien stroke yang dengan masalah kemampuan motorik. Kata Kunci: Fugl Meyer Assesment; Motor Assesment Scale; Motor Relearning Programme (MRP); Stroke Daftar Pustaka: 36 (2010-2020) ABSTRACT Yeni Setyaningratri1 , Nurul Aktifah2 , Herni Rejeki3 The Overview of the Effect of Motor Relearning Program (MRP) on the Improvement of Limb Motor Skills in Post-Stroke Patients Background:Stroke is a health problem that is the main cause of disability and death. The problem that can be caused by stroke are very complex, including weakness of the extremities in either the ams or legs. Limb rehabilitation therapy consists of various kinds including Propioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF), Bobath, Brunnstrom dan Motor releaming programme (MRP). MRP provides a leaming process for functional activities and able to reorganize the brain's abilities so that it can eliminate the wrong movements and improve the postural and movement control skills.Objectives:This study aims to describe the effect of MRP on the increase in limb motor skills in post-stroke patients.Methods:The selection of artic les in this study used mnemonic PICO, The writing of this article used some literatures search through International Journal of Physiotherapy, International Journal of Scientific Research and Education, Proquest, PubMed, Science Direct. Inclusion criteria according to the keywords published from 2010-2020 were written in Indonesian or English.Full article.Exclusion criteria for the article review/systematic review.Results:The result of the literature review of 5 articles shows that MRP has been shown to improve motor skills of stroke patients with average improvement using Motor Assessment Scale measurement tools before intervention is 7.43 and after intervention become 13.05, The average result of improvement using the Fugl Meyer Assessment measurement tools before intervention is 27.05 and after intervention become 44.1.Conclusion:MRP has been shown to improve the motor skills of stroke patients.Recommendation:The results of this study can be used as a basis for action in handling stroke patients with motor skills problems. Keywords: Fugl Meyer Assesment, Motor Assesment Scale, Motor Relearning Programme (MRP), Stroke Bibliography: 36 (2010-2020)



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